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Old 11-19-2007, 09:34 AM
terance terance is offline
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Default Re: Getting skunked in Beirut/beer pong

Do any of you play with skunking rules, where if you get skunked (you+your parter make zero cups, opponents make all ten) you must do something humiliating?

Personal backstory:

I'm a 3rd year student at UCSB. This quarter I moved in with 3 guys whom I met on the facebook marketplace. The second week of the quarter, we played a game of beer pong and I got skunked (stupid bitch on my team couldn't sink a cup and refused to blow spinning balls because the rule 'bitches blow' is "demeaning to girls"). My roommate and his girlfriend whom I am playing against get incredibly excited, because I got skunked and therefore I had to run around the block naked.

I had never heard of this rule and never agreed to it before we started playing, so I refused to do it. I got a lot of shtt for not doing it for a long time, because for some reason it was an important rule to them. They even made a note on a whiteboard in the living room that said I had been skunked and needed to run around the block naked, but that I had yet to do so. Tbh it made things kind of weird in my house for a week or two, because I refused to do something that they took to be a set in stone tradition. But that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, I sort of gave in and said I would run one day and eventually they got over it, the sign came down and we all moved on. Last night I got near black out drunk from shots and Beirut, and at about 2:30am someone mentioned the time when I got skunked so I just dropped my pants/shirt/etc (left my socks on duh) and hoofed it around the block to make up for when I was skunked before. One of my roommates took a video on his cell phone of my re-entry, it's pretty funny, people are laughing and you can see my ass running back to my room (I covered the goods when I came back inside because I do not have the Peter North penis)

So, does this sound weird to you, have you seen/done this, is it standard, any of you have any stories? It was a totally foreign idea when I moved in, despite having played a lot a lot of beer pong my first 2 years here.

I've also heard of the Troll Under the Bridge rule: if you get skunked, you have to sit underneath the table until the next game is over.

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