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Old 11-19-2007, 08:37 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default Re: AA raising pre flop ????

Also there are different views about how much to raise from different positions, or for different table conditions.

Some players argue you should reduce your bets in EP, and gradually increase them as you move around. For example, Phil Gordon in the Little Green Book argues for 2.5BB in early, 3 in middle, 4 in late. His reasoning is you want some action on your good hands, but less action as you widen your range (which you do as you move around position, usually). Other players argue the opposite, that you want only action from good but not superior hands when you're playing OOP, but like action more when you have position.

Table conditions:
In NLHTAP, there's other reasons for changing bet size, for example if you expect a call from a loose player, you can bet more, as he'll bite and his range will be typically be behind yours. (I'm doing this from memory)

The one overriding thing most commentators say is you should never ever bet according to hand strength. Or more correctly, you should never bet predictably based on your hand strength. This can include having mixup strategies to determine bet size (for example raise AA in EP 80% of the time, call 20% of the time, but raise 88 in EP 20% of the time, call 80% of the time).

Most players just use 4xBB + 1 per limper as their opening raise with any raising hand, in any position. It's nice and easy to remember, and betrays nothing.
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