Thread: Cigar Thread
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Old 11-19-2007, 04:48 AM
milliondollaz milliondollaz is offline
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Default Re: Cigar Thread

Question 1:

i got a humidor as a gift a couple months ago and tried to condition it by putting standing tap water in a for a week. the included crappy hygrometer didn't get above 40% so i microwaved the water till it was almost boiling, then put it in. it spiked to about 70% but quickly fell. i did this multiple times. always went back to 40%. i've had 20 cigars in there, or should i say "sticks", for a couple months, with an open bottle of cigar fluid, and it's never got above 40%. you guys think it's really at 70% or so? Or are my cigars dry? How can you tell? Should I do the sponge?

Question 2:

Do you guys spit while smoking? I had a repeater tonight on my porch. I don't smoke much, but when I do, I'm spitting constantly. I don't smoke too often, and started in high school, when spitting was just as cool as smoking cigars. Am I doing this out of habit, or do all cigar smokers spit? I noticed this because it made it hard to sip on my whiskey. As for the quality of the cigar I had, I bought a bunch of cigars when I got my humidor, some cheap some expensive. I forgot which were which, so I guess I got the cheap one.

Question 3:

Exactly where should I buy a digital hygrometer. I checked radioshack, where guids said he bought his, and they only had an outdoor, combo thermometer thing. Probably not what i'm looking for.

Question 4:

I tried sucking some smoke in through my nose like limon does, and it burned like a mofo. How many people do this? I normally try to avoid this situation, by breathing oxygen into my lungs only when the cigar isn't near my face. Can you guys actually breathe normally with a cigar hanging out of your mouth? That smoke coming of the end of the cigar, and through your nose doesn't bother you?
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