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Old 11-19-2007, 03:18 AM
SirFelixCat SirFelixCat is offline
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Default Re: Vista 64 Aero problem w/ 3 monitors and 2 video cards...

Tried and yeah, I'm stuck. Also, NibiTor isn't gonna run on my rig either...thanks to Vista 64 not allowing the driver...

And nTune doesn't show my 7900GT as being able to be OC'd since my 8800GT is the 'master' vid card.

So unless there is another way to OC my secondary card (the 7900GT), I'm going to have to sell it and pick up an 8600GT to run my secondary monitors.

And for those saying not to run Aero: Aero isn't the only place this "problem" rears its head. Whenever anything is done to alter the desktop on the one "problem child" monitor (not the monitors issue, mind you), it gets all scrambled.

We're talking anytime the monitor: goes to sleep, screen save, comes out of sleep, a game is played on the center monitor, etc.

So yeah, it's not just "don't use aero? That's like telling a DD porn star to get a breast reduction to end back pain. Practical, but not sexy."

Thanks for the help, Beavis. Any other choices other than just picking up the 8600GT?
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