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Old 11-19-2007, 03:14 AM
Ps3tn0NcYk Ps3tn0NcYk is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 99
Default Re: personal financial planning degree jobs

I did it for a major Wall Street firm.

First year is all about being a "slave" for producing brokers -- which means long hours and cold calls.

I did it in 1999-2000 and found the job to be joyless. However I am more cerebral and considered a "maverick".

Specifically, I was better suited as a "buy-side" analyst and did not feel comfortable pushing product to meet sales goals.

The most successful FAs were typically the type that could sell ice to Eskimos, hooked-up with family connections, or generally enjoyed being a "company man".

Main Point: Market knowledge != success as a FA
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