Thread: CFL vs. NCAA
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Old 11-19-2007, 03:07 AM
ArcticKnight ArcticKnight is offline
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Default Re: CFL vs. NCAA

I wonder which is greater on an NFL field....

1.A CFL all-star team that played and practiced all year
2.A NCAA all-star team that played and practiced all year
3. The Miami Dolphins

I'd have to think Miami >>>> than NCAA >>>> than CFL

The NCAA could beat the CFL because they'd have over 100 teams to draw talent from.

That said, I don't think LSU could beat Saskatchewan on NCAA or CFL rules. There would be too many weak spots in any given NCAA team roster, but few in a pro-team.

Also, as others have noted, CFL players are just a notch below average NFL players. Very few NCAA players will make it any further than College ball.
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