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Old 11-19-2007, 01:59 AM
Goodnews Goodnews is offline
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Default Re: too big to back out?

IMiller said in SSHE pgs 149-150 in the section "Continuing When You Might Be Drawing Dead"
"In large pots you should often continue even when your winning chances appear grim...Consequently, if the pot is big, you should be relatively certain that you are drawing dead before you fold."

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope you turned the page and read the rest of the section. It talks about making a call on the turn in a huge pot (15 BB) getting a good price to draw to a strong hand (flush draw/straight draw). He's not talking about weak hands with no redraws calling two cold on the flop on a pot that is only "starting to get big" (7 BB).

[/ QUOTE ]

OP, Aaron is right. You are not getting sufficient odds to draw to a weak two pair and a bdfd. 7 to 1 basically requires you to have 12.5% chance (which translates to roughly 3 outs). For the bdfd I give you 1.5 outs, half an out for two pair and another half out for trips. 2.5 outs makes it very close, but considering the reverse implied odds (the betting on the turn) makes this a fold.

If the turn did not bring a spade, then I assume you are folding?
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