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Old 11-18-2007, 10:04 PM
Spaggy Spaggy is offline
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Default Re: Poker Gods/Bot Hunters: If you saw the following, what would you d

MICROBOB: the timing was EXACT on every single hand. Trust me when I say that I don't pay nearly enough attention to things like that to pick up on a specific pattern unless it's ridiculously obvious. I agree with you (and as a lurker tend to respect your opinions) on the fact that nothing is conclusive. I am used to slow players who I assume are playing tons of tables, but what set off the red flag initially was the clear and exact timing for every action he made. I'm not the type of makes an issue over game speed (like the "zzzzz" chatters), but this was ridiculous.

I looked through the chat log, and honestly based on the feedback I don't think it's conclusive enough to warrant an investigation (especially a fanatical one).

I still think he's running bots that override to manual play when certain events occur, but turning the guy's life upside down via Mr. Gatorade seems a little harsh. As I said before, I'm no expert on this, and now that I'm aware that 20+ tabling is not unusual I see no need to post the transcript.

I will say that there were several comments from railbirds (at .10/.25?) when the subject came up, which makes me think somebody else is already watching.

If I see the SN at it again, and anything interesting happens, I'll probably change my mind. This is exactly why I went to the community for guidance, and based on the input of the regulars I'm letting it go.
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