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Old 11-18-2007, 09:18 PM
MDMA MDMA is offline
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Default Re: Best MSNL Coaches

Alright, first out: I am fairly sure I never received any PM on 2p2, and as for AIM, I think i just removed you (I have loads of people on AIM) after I asked whether you wanted to continue after our first week, you said you were fine and that I should give someone else your spot not saying anything more than that, so I did and simply removed you from AIM a week after or so since we you were done, and I thought no more of that.

Secondly, whether you are one of the biggest winners at 2/4 or not is completely un-interesting to me, is this going to turn out into a pissing contest where you try to prove you are better at poker than I am? Then by all means, go ahead.

Also, you are really fuzzy about "it not working out for some reason", that just sounds sketchy, I'm fairly sure you have an idea of why you feel the way you do, please present your views.

Secondly, I am appalled by two posters PM:ing you about "the same experience" (which you seem to do your best at avoid explaining exactly what that is) with me that you had, that have not spoken to me about it and apparently are too afraid to present their views either to me (which they should) or at least come forward here.

I will say this: If one of these is the infamous True, then haha.

Obviously I never asked for any feedback, I assumed you were happy as it was since you never gave me any reason not to think so except that you only did one week with me.
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