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Old 11-18-2007, 07:12 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Default Re: 10K post - Musings on learning and the learning mindset

Assuming we already know what there is to know is bad, but jumpings into environments too alien is also bad. This is where balance comes into play. We want to keep challenging ourselves, but we also want to remain with a certain degree of familiarity, which gives us confidence. Learning how to balance and to recognize out-of-balance keeps us on the learning curve without risking a relapse.

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Perfect illustration of this concept:


G_Dollaz wrote:
FWIW I had a bad experience w/ MDMA in terms of actual coaching. He seems like a good guy while he's coaching and definitely makes himself available and I have no problem w/ him whatsoever. I feel like he tried to imrpove my game and was attentive and all that while he was coaching, for me it just didn't work for some reason. He's the only coach I've ever had and the reason I've never hired nor will ever hire another coach that charges by the hour. I'm not saying others shouldn't use him and he has a great reputation as a coach on here and I'm sure it's for good reason, I'm just posting this so a small stakes player doesn't read this and go w/ him b/c they think it's a guarenteed way to beat msnl, it took me quite some time to get back to playing my A game after being coached.

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