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Old 11-18-2007, 05:25 PM
rakewell rakewell is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 38
Default Re: November 14th: House Judiciary Committee Hearing Thread


Rockwell posted five posts...FIVE tell us (not to ask us) to turn on Rep. Berkley, while speaking harshly to posters who responded to him.

[/ QUOTE ]


For the moment, let's forget about the actual subject of this thread and focus on the fairness of your assessment here. (I generally dislike posts that hijack a thread and turn it into a meta-discussion of the thread itself, so I won't belabor this into an extended argument. But I'm sufficiently stunned by the statement above to comment on it.)

I've read through everything I've written here, and here are the harshest things I can find that I've said to other posters:

“If you feel inclined to overlook that or forgive her for it or find some excuse for it, that's your business. But let's not ignore the plain facts of the historical record. She voted for it. You're not seriously denying that point, are you?”

“If saying the right thing while doing the wrong thing is what you deem to make somebody "rock," well, so be it. I simply disagree.”

Now, let's look at what has been said to me:

“You're either leveling us or amazingly naive.”

“Dude, you are one seriously disturbed tune.”

“You obviously have an eight-years-old mindset, able only to see the world in the simplest shades of black and white. Or maybe you are some kind of celebrity stalker type, obsessed with Shelley Berkely, with pictures of her hanging all over the walls of your studio and illuminated by never extinguished candle flame. Please get some help .”

“Thanks so much for sharing. Now GTFO.” (That one was from you, TE.)

“Aaaaah, stupid people. Can't enlighten them, don't wanna enlighten them.”

“Anyone who points to the Port Security vote as the record of note for "who is against us and who is for us" is a complete idiot....or is just very very naive.”

“I see your point Rakewell the one on top of your head but Shelly Barkley is one of our good allies. I hope you can come to realize that. And if you don't, you are either a troll or one of the biggest dufus' of all time.”

“Or possibly he really is politically as stupid as the proverbial stone..”

TE, try to be as objective as you can be when looking at those two sets of comments, and answer this question: Which set is harsher?

I have a hard time believing that anybody could conclude that I have responded to those disagreeing with me "harshly," as you asserted. At the very least, even if you have a low threshold for what you consider "harsh," a fair-minded observer would surely be compelled to apply the same label to the second set of comments.

But you didn't do that. You only said that *I* responded harshly, when, as shown above, I have really been pretty darn mild and restrained, without a single personal attack or insult. I didn't call anybody "stupid."

I certainly haven't told anybody to "get the f*** out," as you did to me. I seem to remember something in the Bible about seeing a mote in somebody else's eye when you have a beam in your own.

My conclusion from this is that you appear to be highly biased and selective in your reading. I'm guessing that you disregard harshness from others because they are people who agree with you, and you somehow perceive more harshness in what I have written than is actually, objectively there because you are irritated that I disagree with you. That doesn't speak well for your ability to be a rational, objective, detached, trustworthy observer and assessor of things, IMO.

This isn't intended to complain about the insults I've received, so let's please not get a series of replies that I can't take it, or that I should have known what I was getting myself into, etc. I'm a big boy, and don't really care much what strangers think of me personally. I'm also smart enough to realize that people who write stuff such as I've quoted above do so because (1) they think they're being clever and enjoy the attention, and/or (2) they're incapable of addressing points I made directly and substantively, so they resort to third-grade-level name-calling. The world is full of such clowns and dimwits, and I made my peace with that fact long ago. This post isn't intended to gripe about the nature of the forum. I was perfectly willing to ignore such nonsense, until you accused me of being guilty of it.

Of course, you are not obligated to make a thoughtful, meaningful reply to my observations here. If you prefer, and if it better reflects your intellect and personality, you can simply tell me to GTFO again, while continuing to believe that I, and not you, are speaking "harshly."
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