Thread: Sicko Revisited
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Old 11-18-2007, 02:33 PM
zasterguava zasterguava is offline
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Default Re: Sicko Revisited

Yes, of course there should be universal health care in the US. The majority of citizens want it so if you have any regard for democracy thats good enough reason (google is your friend if you think my claim is false). HOWEVER, the Moore film is horrible and depremental to the desired result. Firstly, any English person watching it such as myself were LOL'ing at the stupidity of Moore using an overpaid GP as a a great example of why the UK health care is a prime example. Firstly, there was huge unrest amongst unpaid nurses getting [censored] over at the time and a huge reconsideration of GP wages going on which are seen as disproportionatly high.

On an emotional level and entertainment level its a good film. The 9/11 workers meeting the Cuban firefighters was a great scene. But on an intelligent level it has no regard for truth and is therefore not to be taken seriously despite its positive message.
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