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Old 11-18-2007, 11:56 AM
cts cts is offline
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Default Re: Best MSNL Coaches

Just got home and saw this thread, I'm back at school and involved with a bunch of business stuff so I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to coaching. I do enjoy it though and I think each person I've coached has gotten quite a bit out of it. Right now I've got three students who I'm working with but my hours with each one are almost up so I definitely wouldn't say I'm not accepting students. But, there is a ton of interest so I'm a bit selective of who I coach. Also, I find that coaching is much more effective in general if most of it is me playing as opposed to me sweating (both are good but I'd say maybe 75/25 ratio works best in my experience) -- but some people don't like this so I generally lead them to someone else.

My rate is $1k/hr and not negotiable (for some reason I've had a bunch of ppl try to haggle or arrange profit sharing? not interested, and there is a ton of demand so the price is only going one direction -- but even though I could raise it I think 1k/hr is fair for what I'm offering so I'm not going to).

Thanks for the kind words!

Also aejones has contacted me a few times I think and we never worked anything out, sorry about that. I will give him 2 hours of free coaching today if he wants.
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