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Old 11-18-2007, 05:41 AM
GermanGuy GermanGuy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 88
Default Re: EU countries where gaming is regulated and legal

Gaming is legal and regulated in Germany. At least parts of it.

Casinos are regulated by the individual states (Bundesländer). Online gambling is not legalized, but it is not being prosecuted against. We only have commercials for .de or .net versions of pokersites, because advertising gambling is illegal. (so only free-money sites in ads)

It is a little different for sports betting. There is a joint state monopoly on this. However there were some old GDR licences aroung that were allowed to break this monopoly, but these have been revoked. Advertising for this is again a right held by the individual states, so some sports teams have to use different ads on their jerseys in away games...
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