Thread: Why Limit?
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Old 11-18-2007, 03:30 AM
Tappy Tibbons Tappy Tibbons is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 188
Default Re: Why Limit?


Personally I'm of the opinion that people should expose themselves to as many forms of poker as possible to become a well-rounded player. If someone were to ask me what they should learn, I'd really have to talk to them individuall first to figure out what the best choice would be.

We teach limit because that's our home, so to speak -- but we also have videos on limit O8, PLO (I'm taking lessons in this right now), the limit to NL transition, 2-7, Stud8, and Razz. There are a lot of great choices for instruction out there, both in one on one coaching and in video instruction, and I really think people are doing themselves a disservice if they focus too narrowly on one form or another.

As far as LHE itself goes, it's a game that's been around for quite a while and has demonstrated a fair amount of staying power. While I do actually think that NLHE has a lot of potential right now as a very profitable opportunity, I think that anyone focusing too much on what games they will learn will be susceptible to their game being a flash in the pan, and runs the risk of losing long term EV by focusing too much in the meantime.


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Great points here. The wide variety of games you teach, combined with no sign-up fee were enough to convince me to sign up for a six month subscription.
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