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Old 11-18-2007, 01:50 AM
surfdoc surfdoc is offline
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Default ship the 5.5k

So, when the recent San Diego fires hit we got evacuated from our house. I wasn't home at the time so I had to tell my wife where all the cash was stashed away around the house. She scooped it up and tossed it into a duffle bag with a bunch of other stuff. We return home the next day and I note that the funds are pretty sloppily located in the bag but I drag them out and put them back in the usual spots. I later count it and I am guessing I am short but to be honest I hadn't recently totalled it. I was thinking that it was probably a bad idea to bring it up. I didn't forsee things going well when I imagined the conversation.

"Hey babe, have you seen any missing money."

"No, what are you talking about? How much are you missing."

"Ummm, I don't really know. Maybe 5-10K."

"WTF, are you shiiiting me. You don't even know?"

Anyway, for obvious reasons, I made the exucutive decision to just let it go.

Fast forward to today. I worked yesterday and my wife took the kids to Disneyland. She packs a duffle bag with a change of clothes and as they are changing from some water ride looks down and says to my kids "oh look at your cute daddy. He has a pink and purple poker chip in the bag. One for each of you." Then she lifts them up and realizes the pink is a commerce 5k and the purple and ocean's 500. She throws up a little in her mouth and then tucks them back away. She comes home and says, "guess what I found today babe." She shows me and laughs. I break out in the running man which I am somewhat ashamed to say that I still do pretty well.

cliff notes: I lose two big chips. I find them. I am an idiot. My wife rules. I got a safe deposit box.