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Old 11-17-2007, 05:21 PM
Skallagrim Skallagrim is offline
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Default Re: November 14th: House Judiciary Committee Hearing Thread

"All too frequently, the enemy of the good is the perfect."

I forget who first said that, others can google it.

And that pretty much sums up the problem with rakewell's point. Berkely is clearly on our side, her vote on the port bill notwithstanding. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by giving her a hard time about it.

The quote also has some applicability to beanie. Beanie, truly, you as poker player and business owner can support the Wexler bill 100% right now as written. Its also a bill that has a little momentum (because it makes sense, and because other than WTO pressure, its only us poker players demnding the law change). Get behind it and urge your readers to get behind it, please.

Frank's bill, as I said, needs work before it gets a 100% support rating from me. But TE makes the excellent point (as usual) that supporting moving the Frank bill forward is momentum in the right direction and keeps our enemies on the defensive. There is nothing bad about supporting the Frank bill "in general" while saying that it still needs work on the finer points to become truly good legislation. I am sure the PPA will lobby for corrections to those finer points before it comes to a real vote. Also, Barney Frank was the first, and for a while the only, congressperson to stick up for our right to play as a matter of personal freedom. He deserves our support for that, if not our 100% agreement with his legislation.

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