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Old 11-17-2007, 09:54 AM
GrumpyB GrumpyB is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Posts: 94
Default Re: How can I explain to ppl that online sites are not rigged?

I recently heard an argument that I thought was pretty good, which is that if you were going to rig the games you'd want to make sure you could hide the evidence.

But there are players out there with huge Hand Histories in their PT databases. It wouldn't be too hard to check whether the hand distributions in these records matched statistical expectations. Remember, Absolute got caught when they accidently released a tournament history file.

OK, some corrupt individuals make look for an edge, but why would the industry allow this? They rake from the good and the bad, the rich and the poor - they want people to play, play, play - then come back and play some more. They win on every hand, so the more hands played the better. Poker sites would rather see the same money going back and forth between equally matched players. They win less when one player takes it all and goes home.
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