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Old 11-17-2007, 08:59 AM
vmacosta vmacosta is offline
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Default Re: Head up vs good player

Actually I don't really love it. If this guy is good enough to have flush draws when he c/r's flop then isn't he good enough to call your turn raise with AJ/QJ?

So if he just plays a weak/tight style then you really need to figure out how low of a PP he could raise utg and c/r the flop with.

If his range is {JTs, QJs, KJ, AJ, 88-JJ} then you should probably just fold the turn since you only have 17% equity.

Funny, though, that if you add in 77 then raise looks good, as you are getting 7:2 with 26% equity meaning you are basically freerolling at getting him to fold a weaker J/TT.

If he c/r's the flop with flush draws but b/f's a good J on the turn on a drawy board getting 8:1 then I don't think he's necessarily good.

edit: actually even when you add the flush draws it comes down to whether or not he raises 77 utg and c/r's the flop with it. Interestingly, flushdraws have such high equity since many of them have top pair that they don't really change your equity much.
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