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Old 11-17-2007, 02:21 AM
PoorSkillz PoorSkillz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: America
Posts: 74
Default Re: Newest Cardplayer Details AP Scandal. Except For-

Mr. Sklansky,

It is in 2+2er’s best interest, and in the best interest of online poker players in general, for Absolute Poker to be driven out of business. I’ll make it clear to you.

As of now, there is nothing to deter Absolute Poker or any other poker site from cheating its customers again. Previous belief was that no poker site would dare risk cheating its customers because the risks (criminal prosecution, loss of business) far outweigh the benefits (a few million dollars in extra revenue). Absolute Poker has proved that the opposite is true- they were able to steal at least hundreds of thousands and when they were caught they only had to return the stolen money back and did not face criminal prosecution or loss of business (due to, I believe, the lack of mainstream media coverage in bringing awareness of the whole scandal to the public).

Now that Absolute Poker has proven that there is little punishment for getting caught cheating, it now may actually be a +EV situation for some poker rooms to cheat their players out of money. As long as they keep their systems of cheating less obvious (thus greatly decreasing the chance of getting caught) they can steal millions of dollars without any significant losses involved if they do get caught (their biggest punishment being 10% interest on whatever they are caught stealing).

The only way to make it a –EV situation for poker sites to steal money from its players is to have the risks outweigh the rewards, through either criminal prosecution or loss of business. Obviously, the online poker community has no control over criminal prosecution, but it does have control over who it gives its business to. By forcing Absolute Poker out of business, the online poker community will show all poker sites that the risk of losing their business if caught cheating far outweighs the gain of a few extra million dollars.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media has control over what information the majority of the online poker community knows, and thus the majority online poker community still does not nearly know the depth of Absolute Poker scandal as the people in the BBV forums do. Is it your responsibility to help bring awareness of the scandal to the rest of the online poker community? No. But do you have the ability to help bring awareness of the online poker community? Yes, a lot more than the rest of us here can, and that’s why I urge you to stand up and fight for what is right.


(Unfortunately, you most likely won’t respond to this post, as it actually pertains to the Absolute Poker Scandal, something you have “little opinion” on unless you’re starting another thread.)
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