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Old 11-17-2007, 01:43 AM
KDawg KDawg is offline
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Default Re: The Ultimate Fighter / UFC thread

teh difference with lindland is his personality though. I'd also say that Hendo is a much more exciting fighter then lindland over the course of their respective careers. I've watched both for a very long time, and Hendo has been a much more exciting fighter then lindland IMO. Using Victory % doesn't go into how the fights play out in the ring. Hendo is always more willing to bang then Lindland has ever been

as far as UFC pimping it's brand over fighters, it's what they do best. They are run like a real pro wrestling promotion. It's impossible to deny that, and with a pro wrestling style promotion, the promotion itself is the focal point, but it needs to build stars to help the brand be viable.

It's a coefficient, but the fact is UFC is the master MMA brand in america, and people buy UFC to see the fights, and they want exciting fights. That's what keeps them coming back ultimately, and with good promotion, they also get big fights that can be exciting. But, if you have a series of fights like the Slyvia/Arlovski fight then you are screwed as apromotion and UFC won't be the fun thing to watch anymore. THe only reason that the Tito/Evans fight has any viability is because of tito's pro-wrestling like promo skills, if it weren't for Tito knowing how to come across as a larger then life character, then a ME like that could be a crowd killer