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Old 11-17-2007, 01:15 AM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: No Country For Old Men

I really liked this...however, I have long realized that my love for the Cohen Bros. movies is mostly because of their humor, story-telling ability and their exquisite craft. None of their movies ever really "moves" me beyond, "wow, that was a cool movie."

Their phenomenal filmmakers and I'm a huge fan. T But like Tarantino, it seems most of their movies are about other movies or movie making in general. nothing wrong with that, I guess, but it does leave me with a feeling that something's emotionally missing after I see one of their films.

No Country is great. I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the very bold choice of not having any music at all. The dialogue was so rich and perfect it created all the music needed.

Brolin, Bardem and Jones were all terrific. I actually liked Harrelson's role in this. And I've always had a crush on McDonald. It was cool seeing Barry Corbin and Stephen Root, too. really, Brolin was a revelation. Who knew he was so good?

I really liked Jones's last scene, too. Very moving.

But for some reason, it's not quite Once, Michael Clayton or Gone Baby Gone. Those three are still the best films of the year for me so, so far. I liked Zodiac and Breach a lot, but they aren't quite great films for me.
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