Thread: Guitar Hero III
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:43 PM
gusmahler gusmahler is offline
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Default Re: Guitar Hero III

Somewhat related to squeezing, but off on a tangent.

One of the good things about the Guitar Hero series is that it scales to different skill levels very well. I'm never going to be at GT1T's level, but I don't need to be. I can master Medium and Hard and still get a lot of enjoyment out of the game.

One of the ways to get more enjoyment is to maximize your score. I posted about My Name is Jonas above. The first time I played it, I flubbed a note and got 176k. I realized the song was easy and FCd it for 188k. But merely by optimizing the star power path, I was able to get another 20k points.

I did things like that a lot in GH2, trying to optimize my path to maximize my score. But I used paths that others created. No one has created paths for GH3 yet (at least not a Medium level), so coming up with a path and optimizing was fun for me. Now I can do it for other songs.

The link I posted above ( ) explains how to create your own star paths.
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