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Old 11-16-2007, 08:24 PM
cato-tonia cato-tonia is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 63
Default Re: help me become a professional


as others have been unwilling to say, line movement is vastly over-rated.

and, be sure to examine the records of the various posters. many talk a very good game, but cannot isolate a winner if their lives depended on it. you will also often find, the most insolent never post a selection; or, if they do, will claim a win rate that does not tally with the selections they publish. generally, this kind of poster is most apt to ridicule approaches which differ from those most widely accepted; they put purely technical considerations before fundamental considerations; and they often accumulate data for its own sake, lacking any judgment in the relative merits of any single item of it.

this is not poker. and the only thing that readily transfers from that game to this is your ability and determination to win. you must accept as a reality how few winners there are in this game, and how very, very few win major sums of money.


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