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Old 11-16-2007, 07:49 PM
gusmahler gusmahler is offline
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Default Re: Web design question: frames?

Seriously looking over those websites in Campus Grid's portfolio I would have guessed they were built by a high school student for a class project instead of by a paid company.

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They are. Campus grid does no actual web design beyond supplying the schools with the templates and provide the hosting. The actual content is provided by the schools. For elementary schools, that means parents. For high schools, they can pawn it off on the students.

As for Campus Grid, it's a rip off. $599 per year for a school district! And you only get 50 MB per school! You can get a hosted site for $43/year that gives you 5 GB.

They cite this site as being "an excellent site." However, the pages are atrocious. If you go to Dad's club, you'll see at least 3 completely different layouts, including a frame within a frame:
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