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Old 11-16-2007, 06:08 PM
TomVeil TomVeil is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 314
Default Re: Las Vegas Democratic Debate

Yeah, I don't understand why the debates are always so awful. When you watch longer speeches and Q&A sessions (where the candidates actually have time to answer), you know that they HAVE answers. It's like they are programmed to use the first 30 seconds after every question to NOT answer the question before they get to it. And by then, the "time" is up so nobody can answer anything.

I'm now pointing people to videos on You Tube and the like for information. (The @Google clips are great. An HOUR of questions, answers, and ideas! OMFG) It's becoming increasingly obvious to me that the traditional media sources are a dismal failure.
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