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Old 11-16-2007, 05:47 PM
EyeJackit EyeJackit is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 10
Default Re: who\'s the coolest mother [censored] in 4Life?

I have an exam on Friday. Write and GTFO. Bunch of us are going to head out to get our drink on and blow off some steam. This hot chick I have been working all semester decides that I should, “meet up with (her) tonight.” I blow her off and go drinking instead.

We are all getting bombed and it is getting late. I head to the bar to reload. It is busy and I hear this girl behind me say, “Sure, just push your way past us!” I turn and she is hot if you like em dirty. I do.

I buy their drinks and pass them over my shoulder. She says thanks and introduces herself. I tell her to piss off and that I’m not interested, I only bought her a drink to shut her the hell up. She says, “You should know my name because you are coming home with me.”


“Right now.”


We smash our drinks and then I smash her genitalia for an hour or so before I can get the gun off. We wake up and I lay some more pipe before telling her to drive me home.

Next day I head to my parents in my hometown. Mom and Dad are in Aruba. I grab some ZZZ’s and go to a local pub with some friends. A girl that I knew in high school tells me that she broke up with her long time boyfriend and offers me a ride home. We are half way there when her ex appears in the rearview driving his truck. We lose him after a short high speed chase and get to the folks house. Adrenaline sex ensues on the hood of her car in the garage, continues down the hallway and climaxes in my childhood bedroom. I punch her pussy with morning wood some more when we wake and then send her packing.

Mid-afternoon and my ex from high school calls and wants to come over and ‘catch-up’. We drink a bit and then fall quickly into our old routine, a long fight and then some short energetic sex. I ship her out, have supper and make the drive back to school.

As my key hits the lock on my apartment I hear the phone ringing. It is hottie number one from class on Friday. She got my number from a friend and has been calling all weekend. She wants me to come over right now. I drop my bags in my room and head back out the door to her place. This girl is damn fine and personality wise seems like girlfriend material. I don’t expect any sex but I am running pretty hot.

At her place she attacks me in the foyer and proceeds to [censored] me like a porn star until about 3AM. We knocked the mattress off of the box spring and finish with her pinned between the mattress and the wall.

I go back to my place and sleep until 6PM on Monday.
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