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Old 11-16-2007, 05:00 PM
RustyBrooks RustyBrooks is offline
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Default Re: Optimal Went to SD %?

Someone who plays the same game, at the same stakes, with the same structure, same table size, etc, etc, will be able to give you feedback on whether your WTSD and W$SD are in line with what's expected. Most likely anyone without direct experience or a large pokertracker database won't be able to tell you much.

In truth WTSD and W$SD go hand in hand and you can hardly look at one without looking at the other. I don't know squat about these numbers for NLHE because that's the one game I hardly ever play online. I do know that my numbers range quite wildly for stud, holdem, split pot games, etc. For limit games having W$SD < 50% is really bad unless you play a game where either multiple people see the river often, or where lots of people call to the river and then fold to a bet. For stud type games I'm usually most interested in how often they see 6th st more than anything else.

I don't really use these numbers for evaluating my own play, unless I am seeing some real divergence between what my win rate should be, and what it is.

When looking at other players I prefer the raw WTSD number. WTSD in pokertracker is as a percentage of the time that they saw the flop. So 20% means something WAY different for a person with 80% vpip vs a person with 20% vpip. As a percentage of hands dealt, the first person sees the river 16% of the time, the second player sees the river 4% of the time. Same WTSD, very different kind of player. The first guy is not only loose, he's relatively unbluffable. Value bet, don't bluff. The second guy is way too weak. Bluff, don't value raise, don't call down light. These are broad caricatures, of course, you really need to look at multiple stats on an opponent to be able to make any serious remarks about his play.
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