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Old 11-16-2007, 04:06 PM
Snafu'd Snafu'd is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default Re: An offer of coaching/mentoring

Well, I may as well throw my name in the hat.

I started playing online poker around 2003 or so back on Party. I mostly played donk n goes in the beginning, redepositing every month. Then I found this website after picking up TOP. The first game I started taking seriously was limit shorthanded. In fact, that used to be the only forum I posted in. But with the rise in popularity of no limit, I decided to make the switch. After switching, I haven't looked back. I've played up to NL100 prior to the Neteller crash. I cashed out all but $300 or so and didn't play much for a while. I got back into it and transitioned from NL25 to NL30 deep to NL50 pretty quickly. My winrate at NL30 deep is 10.8ptbb/100 over 14K hands. I haven't been quite as lucky at NL50 though where my winrate is 1.5ptbb/100 over 11K hands. I'd like to think that most of this is running bad but I'm sure the bad run has contributed to bad play in some situations.

My status:
I'm 29 years old and actually have a regular day job. I play poker in the evenings and quite a bit on the weekends. I'm not somebody who is going to log 30K+ hands a month. I'd say a realistic average for me is anywhere around 15K hands a month. I play 4 tables at a time b/c that's how many fit on my monitor with no overlap w/o having to resize tables. I think I could realistically play more, but I chose not to.

Why I'm a good candidate:
I think I'm a pretty good player but I have a lot of room for improvement. This is where coaching would help me a lot. I contribute to these forums and always try to explain answers as best I can instead of giving one liners or just quoting others. I'm very realistic when it comes to my poker dreams. Mine is simple. To be able to play part time w/o having to ever use my poker roll for anything other than moving up to the next level. I'd like to get to MSNL stakes and make a nice side income w/o ever becoming a full time player. This may or may not be something you are looking for, but the plus side to this is that I'm going to be able to move up quicker than others that cash out their roll for spending money/living expenses/whatever (obviously this is assuming I remain a winning player). I'm also a coachable person. I've never had an ego issue and I'm always looking to learn from others. Something that may be irrelevant - I live close enough to a casino so I get to play live a bit which is nice b/c I can play higher stakes with worse players. So if you play live we could discuss those dynamics as well. Good luck with your search.