Thread: 10,000th Post
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Old 11-16-2007, 03:59 PM
Stephen H Stephen H is offline
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Default Re: 10,000th Post

Oh crap. It was wasn't it. I don't remember games at all once I have played them. Unless the name of the game is Pirates of Pogglesworth.

Ok Zurv, sorry to turn you into Stephen, my memory obviously sucks. I would love to replay that game with Durron or Luckay in Xorbie's stead to see if we could have pulled it off.

[/ QUOTE ]

If luckay or durron was xorbie's role, then village listens to me when I nailed you to the wall with your "possess me and we'll pwn" post and you would have been lynched that night instead of being interrogated by xorbie. But xorbie wanted to use his cool power rather than just winning.

That game was fun, but I got upset at a lot of points (argument with scottHoward was my worst one in my WW history).
Demons pretty much didn't stand a chance the way the roles shook out.
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