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Old 11-16-2007, 02:43 PM
pokerbobo pokerbobo is offline
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Default Re: I have yet to hear a single good argument for Clinton.

1:Lower taxes for the middle class.

2:More emphasis on alternative and renewable energy.

3:Increased fuel efficiency by car makers.

4:Repeal of some tax breaks for big oil and the rich.

5:More funds for stem cell research.

6:Leave social security in a lock-box.

7:Maybe the appointment of pro-choice Supreme Court Justices.

8:Support for reasonable gun control.

9:Believe it or not, she will continue the War on Terror.

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I numbered your issues so that I could address them individually.

1: GREAT!! lets add lower taxes for everyone and PROOF that it will happen and maybe I will get on board

2: Market is working on this and it will happen better and faster if the guvment stays OUT. ( see also ethanol boondoggle)

3: same answer as #2

4: this is the same as saying tax increase for everyone. Companies don't pay taxes they just shift the burden to the consumer.

5: similar answer as #2 There should be absolutely no barriers to stem cell research. It is a potential $$$$ bonanza we don't need the government to pay for it.

6: while we are at it can I get a key to my own lockbox? Can I have a say in how my money is spent for my future? Or do I just piss into the wind and hope I don't get sprayed?

7: Meh ... true ethical justices who can actually read the constitution would uphold an abortion right, it may not be Roe due to technical legal reasons but I don't think that its something to fear. Its just a scare tactic used by the 2 sides to make them seem different to the base.

8: LOL .. we have more laws on the books now than you can shake 1000 sticks at. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns don't make you unsafe, the war on drugs and a government out of control do.

9: GREAT .. more entangling alliances and rampant spending to achieve nothing but bigger government.

Sounds more like nine reasons to hope she dies in a grease fire to me.

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I disagree with everyone of your rebuttal points. Don't have time to get into each one. There have been threads with over 100 pages on social security alone explaining why your idea is bad in some people's opinions. You are free to feel that the market is best at doing everything and that the government isn't but I don't and therefore will be voting for Hillary.

If you truly think that by taking away the tax breaks that the big oil companies enjoy (while earning tens of billions in profits) that it will simply be passed on to the consumer then I fear you don't understand the marketplace. It will not be a wash. Their profits will go down.

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No, they will raise their prices.... so the end result will be, the govt has more money, the oil company has the same amount, and the consumer spends more to fuel their vehicle. Sounds great!
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