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Old 11-16-2007, 02:31 PM
mickeyg13 mickeyg13 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 70
Default Re: Executing Child Rapists

I don't believe in the death penalty even for terrible, atrocious crimes. I once went to a presentation on the death penalty involving a couple whose child was murdered and a single father whose child was murdered. The couple was in favor of the death penalty, but their daughter was very much against it, so they asked that the killer not be given the death penalty, but I think their plea fell on deaf ears. The single father was I believe always against the death penalty, and he didn't even want it to be used on the murderer of his teenage son. In fact, this man had the courage to meet his son's killer, and he now believes the killer has truly repented. It was a very powerful presentation. Anyway I'm pretty sure I won't convince anyone here to change their mind, but I hate the death penalty (and I'm neither Democrat nor Republican FWIW).
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