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Old 11-16-2007, 01:10 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Saudi punishes gang rape victim with 200 lashes

So you're comparing drug laws in the U.S. and the inherent legal rights that US citizens have to the Saudi laws tha oppress and the inherent rights they have in their legal system? Again a very convincing argument.

As far as benefitting from a relationship with an oppressive government, how so? Give me ways that the U.S. benefits from it's relationship to the Saudi's? And tell me that there's not an iota of "blowback" for supporting regimes like the Saudis. We supported the Shah of Iran and basically propped him up for a long time too. Did that really benefit the U.S. in the long run?

Edit: You know when Ron Paul took all of the flack he did for what he said about 9/11 I was on the side of people like Giuliani. But when I look at the ramifications of these alliances in terms of "blowback" I now understand Paul's points and I think they're right on.
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