Thread: My stats
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Old 11-16-2007, 07:59 AM
Truthiness24 Truthiness24 is offline
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Default Re: My stats

I agree that 3k hands isn't a statistically significant sample, but still I don't think that his results can be ignored.

Occam's Razor: he won on the lowest levels because he outplayed his opponents on the later streets. This won't show up in his own stats because his opponents' lousy play only reveals itself in OP's bottom line.

It is probably optimal to see 4th 50+% of the time in those games, even if that's higher than the collective average. I've sat with my wife at the lowest levels of HORSE and O8 and have definitely found this to be the case. You have to give yourself as many opportunities as possible to outplay bad opponents.

I've read a story (I forget where) about a pro who resolved to play O8 for an entire year seeing the flop EVERY HAND. At the end of the experiment, he was up nearly 6 figures. I believe that he said that he proved his point, kind of: he won, proving that O8 is a postflop game, but he felt like he would have won a lot more had he been even a bit selective.

Even if OP was a spot misguided (and I'm happy that it seems like he's getting something out of this), I think he best demonstrates the benefit of loosening up in game of bad players.
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