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Old 11-16-2007, 12:12 AM
BowToYourSensei BowToYourSensei is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Default Re: Barry Bonds indicted

So the fact that the govt. spent millions of taxpayers money and after 4+ years finally reached an indictment after 3+ tries(my numbers could be off), you would rate that as a plus to your argument?

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I have no problem with the resources used in this case. Steroids are dangerous to young people and lying to the grand jury in a criminal investigation is a serious crime. The attention this case will get and the possible deterrent it will be (particularly if there is a conviction) on both steroids use and care-free perjury make it worth every penny.

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how [censored] naive are you?

barry bonds isn't getting busted cuz he used steroids, he's getting busted cuz he lied.

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Right. I think I said that. How [censored] illiterate are you?

Of course the Bonds story sends a mixed message on steroids, but a conviction, a few months in jail and one of the best players in baseball shunned by MLB and the HOF as a cheater is an appropriate ending to the tale.

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so you're fine with the misappropriated time and money spent on this case on the basis of your own peace of mind about a [censored] GAME?!


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Look into that reading problem. I said that the shunning of Bonds was an added benefit. Obstruction of Justice and Perjury are the crimes that are being appropriately prosecuted.

(1) At least FOUR guilty pleas on distribution related charges.

(2) Cost of this investigation over four years << cost 30 minutes of the Iraq war.

You have faild to show any "misappropriation" of time or money... or that you know what the word misappropriation means.


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just do yourself a favor and shut the [censored] up. you're not fooling anyone. you're an idiot

EDIT: g'nite
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