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Old 11-15-2007, 10:51 PM
Mondogarage Mondogarage is offline
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Default Re: Barry Bonds indicted

Anyone have the hard numbers on what % of federal grand jury indictments lead to guilty pleas and/or guilty sentences?

Isn't it 80-90%?

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yes, but you can evaluate stuff at face value too. this isn't like the michael vick indictment. a braindead retard could tell that vick was boned. it looks more questionable here, though it would still be surprising if the case wasn't pretty strong.

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Actually, it's above 95%.

The feds typically do not lay all their cards on the table in the indictment, either.

While some would say anytime the feds go after a "name" person, it's just because they're trying to get headlines -- it's more appropriate to say that no federal prosecutor is likely to ever risk their entire DOJ future by bringing an indictment against a "name" person that isn't going to stick.

Does this mean Bonds is 100% guilty? No. It does mean that the feds actually believe they have a pretty much airtight case.
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