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Old 11-15-2007, 09:45 PM
bonds bonds is offline
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Default Re: Lloyd Carr Retiring

I don't think age is a huge problem. We don't need a 20-year guy. Plus, anyone that young (late 30's/early 40's) is going to have less of a track record and is more of a threat to move on and up.

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True, but I think it would disqualify *some* of the names that have been tossed about. Just to pick one random example, Norm Chow. He's 61, which means he's not even a possibility for 10 years. (not that I think he's a possibility in the first place, but he's been mentioned on a couple wish lists)

I don't think you can even consider anyone over 52 - it has to be ideal to have the possibility of having a great coach for at least 10 years, right?

Too young is less of an issue, simply because it'd be hard to find a young coach with the necessary background. No chance Martin hires a trainee.
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