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Old 11-15-2007, 09:31 PM
damaniac damaniac is offline
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Default Re: Lloyd Carr Retiring

I don't think age is a huge problem. We don't need a 20-year guy. Plus, anyone that young (late 30's/early 40's) is going to have less of a track record and is more of a threat to move on and up. Granted, if your coach does well enough such that the NFL or something comes calling, oh well, you obviously had a lot of success and can hire again. But someone like Miles gives us 10-12 years, once we get tired of his particular flaws it'll be time for him to move on anyway.

WRT all those criteria, they obviously all matter. Basically, if you separate them into things that have a big direct effect on winning (recruiting, strategy, teaching etc) and more representative ones that may have an effect on winning but it is more incidental (good face for the university, media savvy, clean program). In so far as the first set goes, obviously I want whatever combination makes winning most likely. All are useful, some more than others. Recruiting is huge, as is hiring top assistants and teaching well.

As far as the others go, keeping the program clean (or as clean as these things can be) is #1. Media savvy would be a nice change from Carr and I'd love to have a real spring game but whatever, I'd be very hard-pressed to think of the situation where that ultimately changes my opinion on a guy.
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