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Old 11-15-2007, 08:46 PM
MrWookie MrWookie is offline
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Default Re: November \"I FORGOT MY MANTRA\" Low Content chit-chat thread

Well, once again I find myself in lab late with a big cup of coffee and a big mess of FORTRAN code. The deadline is coming up for finishing all the extra work I got roped into doing at the conference where I presented the results of last time's late night lab sessions. Tonight, I've got to finish off all the writing and get it to compile so that I can finish debugging by Monday morning hopefully. That way, I can spend next week in lab late with a big cup of coffee and a big mess of C++ and/or perl code. My prof asked me to code yet another couple other programs that are only tangentially related to all the FORTRAN I wrote and have no bearing at all on the actual science I'm supposed to be doing. Wheeeeeeee. It's not going to be fun getting all the crap I am supposed to have done by Thanksgiving done by Thanksgiving. Expect a few more sleep-deprived rants in here over the next week.