Thread: AC in America
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Old 11-15-2007, 07:38 PM
JuntMonkey JuntMonkey is offline
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Default Re: AC in America

Certainly the "movement" is extremely small and will only grow. As you guys said, 98%+ of people think "anarchy = chaos/Hell".

I think there is definitely some relationship with atheism. I'd be willing to bet that ACists are disproportionately atheists, and also the other way around a little bit, although most atheists are of course still in the high 90%'s regarding fear of anarchy. The relationship probably stems from intelligence, free thinking and anti-establishment leanings.

I'm an anarchist but not necessarily a full anarcho-capitalist. I have problems with some aspects of how people say AC would work (one major example I can think of is something that was said here a while back about vaccines and how people who caught a disease from an unvaccinated person could then sue that person, which is [censored] retarded). I'm very anti-organized religion, but not quite atheist. I am currently reading Dawkins's "The God Delusion" to see if this can be remedied.
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