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Old 11-15-2007, 02:35 PM
Gigglegirl Gigglegirl is offline
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Default Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

Well Gelford, I'm with Derosnec - I just don't get it.

To me, this debate isn't about stats or style, it's about one thing and one thing only: where do our profits in NL come from?

2+2 would have us believe they come from:

1. Standard value-taking with our good hands
2. Selective aggression and risk taking when we have a bad or marginal hand - for example shoving for FE, 3b light, bluff raising, positional stealing, squeezing etc.

But our friend Coco would apparently disagree as I cannot see how ANY of those things in #2 are a large part of his game.

I mean, does Coco fold to all aggression and hardly ever attempt to make people fold? It certainly looks that way to me. I mean, just look at the lack of variance in his graph - it's incredible.

People say you become too exploitable if you fold to raises a lot and just play ABC for value. Well, Coco is evidence this may not be true up to 400NL. I would love to try an experiment where I fold every time I am raised, never bluff, only put money into pots for value, never shove etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I play a similar game to that guy, 21/11 at the moment @100NL, and I'm winning at a similar level. And I have a similar looking lifetime graph, although not at his $ amounts ldo.
And I don't do any of the bluffing, squeezing, 3betting light or w/e and I fold to aggression plenty.
My profits come from good table selection and bad players paying me off with junk.