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Old 11-15-2007, 02:28 PM
Absolution Absolution is offline
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Default Re: should i vs. you >>>>????

Okay, so if you're opening all of these against an ABC TAG and get caught (i.e. you make a big hand with K6s or something against his Ax), you are going to have to adjust. In my experience, TAGs don't like it when they figure out that you're 3-betting them with, what they would call, junk. I suppose how you respond to that will depend on their response. Some might not care and just think you're overaggressive, but some will start capping everything and going to showdown a lot (although, most will still play predictable post flop and fall into that mode that Schneid talks about where they call with the bottom half of their range and bet the top half.)
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