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Old 11-15-2007, 12:21 PM
JammyDodga JammyDodga is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 610
Default Re: 400lbs -- Want to be much less than that... a few questions.

Hi there,

To be honest I don't think your focus should be weights, you should be doing something that burns more calories.

If you want to get something to do in the house, get a cheapy excersise bike, or a rowing machine or something. Something low impact.

I'm 266 pounds and 6'3" and I try and avoid anything with any impact liek jogging, just because it plays havoc with my knees and back, so I'm guessing you are in a similar position.

I'd really go with something that involves your kids, set up some kind of regular weekly session where youa re doing something with them. Go to the pool, or a beach, or the park or the zoo or an amusement park, or something, and just be generally active. I've got nephews and I know running around trying to keep up with them is hard work.

the other thing I suggest would be keeping a food diary, and be honest with yourself, include all drinks as well. If you have to keep track of it, and will have to face it later, its help me avoid really pigging out on something.

Also, how much milk are you drinking? Its 50 calories per 100ml, and if youa re drinking half a litre or so a day, this could be a big chunk of your calory intake.
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