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Old 11-15-2007, 11:35 AM
TwiceShotPhil TwiceShotPhil is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 39
Default Re: Ethical Question

I would keep the money. No question. No hesitation.

The moral point is: whose money is it? In this case, it is money that belongs to sleazeball grifters who run a poker site. They don't deserve it. Neither do I. I have it. I keep it.

Let's say that somehow I ended up with $6000 that really belonged to a local sandwich shop. I return it. No question. No hesitation.

Let's say it belonged to a person. I return it. No Q, No H.

It belongs to sneaky thieves who I happen to work for/with.

I, and most folks around me, consider me to be the most moral person I know. There is no moral question here.
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