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Old 11-15-2007, 06:53 AM
indigo indigo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: maniac agg monkey
Posts: 63
Default Re: Is there any etiquette rules for HU?

Wasn't sure where to put it, but i know a lot of guys here play HU, so:

Are there any non-written rules?
I've been berated and hitnrun so many times that i basically do whatever i want and do not feel obligated to anyone - if i feel like quitting after stacking someone, i will.If i feel like quitting after 15 hands when i see that i am neutral EV vs villain, i will.

I don't expect anyone to stay after busting me and those "gg, gtg" after taking 2 BI off you makes me feel even worse.

I am fairly new to HU so i am not really how things work for the rest of you, do you uphold any rules?
When do you quit a guy?

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meh I go back and forth with this stuff.

being h&r is just standard, and you can't let it tilt you. I struggle with this when jerk buys in for 50BB, we get all in on a coinflip and obv he leaves immediately after e.g. his JJ > AK. This tilts me like [censored], but u have to deal with it.

I don't quit when I stack people so much, since I figure - 1) I should be +EV else I shouldn't be playing, and 2) good chance I have tilted them some (obv depends on player and action).

If ur neutral EV against a reg, std etiquette is gg and quit. That's well understood and is never a prob.

As for when u quit - for me it's when I sense my ego telling me to stay cos I'm +EV, even when I'm tilted.

Also, if you're new to HU - start posting some hands man.
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