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Old 11-15-2007, 06:41 AM
leyhal leyhal is offline
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Default Re: Straight on turn faced with river push on flush card

With regard to the post from Pokey, I can see why ATM could be justified in making a "crying " call here.

However, I don't like calling on the river here, like I said villain shows no strength in the first three betting rounds and then overbets the pot considerably.

What I am mainly getting at is this....I notice a lot of uNL villains who hit a big hand on the river will often overbet/raise big to "compensate" for the relatively small pot (in this case 15bb). They wish the pot was big to pay off their big hand so they inflate it to achieve a big pot.... because in their opinion they "deserve"(!) to win big with their big hand and they just hope the opponent comes along for the ride.

When I was only playing a few months I used to get caught out by this type of bet, thinking they were trying to buy the pot, and they turned over the virtual nuts.

Here I think the compensate scenario is far more likely than villain betting a good but losing hand or a stone bluff.
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