Thread: A-Q OOP !
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Old 11-15-2007, 06:19 AM
Lego05 Lego05 is offline
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Default Re: A-Q OOP !

3betting AQ is oh so standard except against some really nitty players....You'll take it right there a lot and most of the times you don't you win with a c-bet on the flop. And most of the time I'd get my stack in on an A or Q high board.

People really need to open up their 3betting range. You can't just "3bet to set-up an easy all-in on a hand that's going to want it." 3betting hands as bad as suited connectors, low to mid-pairs will need to be done at vs. certain opponents...even 3betting garbage in the right spots will be +ev and also help to cultivate an image.

As played I just call the flop. His range is extremely wide (flush draw is a very small part of it) and there is no reason to raise.

Now he mini3bet you and now this spot sucks. I probably call and then check and call that turn shove. He could have a worse Q like KQ, maybe QJ or maybe like JJ,TT getting stubborn on the 1 overcard board or some stupid draw....or stupid bluff.

I of course would not be surprised to lose this to like AA,KK or perhaps 76s.
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