Thread: AC scenario!!!
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:57 AM
Vagos Vagos is offline
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Default Re: AC scenario!!!

Pool your money together and start locking up abortion doctors. Or people who slaughter animals. Etc.

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Good thing the state is around to make sure that kind of nonsense doesn't happen! Oh, wait...

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If you think I was saying that jail time for animal abuse is nonsense, then you misread me. I'm saying that everyone using their own standards for deciding who to lock up would be nonsense.

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I'm not sure it would quite work that way. Locking up a horde of random strangers would be incredibly expensive. So it's not really everyone that can decide what to lock people up for, just an elite few. And again, this is no different from a state.

But to be quite frank, if a very rich guy started locking up tons of innocent people in AC land...there could very well be some kind of counter-movement that attempts to bring him to justice, or just flat out assassinate him. Remember, when we're talking about AC we're talking about a society that has dissolved the coercive state as we know it. The people are not going to roll over for the first thug who comes out guns a blazing.

Lastly if you're still not satisfied with what I just said (and I'm guessing you're probably not) just know that I can understand the objection and I don't claim AC is fully immune from these kind of problems. It's the common "What if Bill Gates starts killing hobo's?" objection and while these scenarios are certainly possible, I believe it would be the exception, not the rule. Besides, any kind of wrongdoing that happened in these scenarios would pale in comparison to the destruction and misery that is caused by governments.
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