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Old 11-14-2007, 10:33 PM
Labarde Labarde is offline
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Default Re: I Worry About Some Of You

Whether you believe it or not, I am pretty proud of the fact that lots of people learn things from me. Math challenged learn some math and logic and math adept sometimes learn some street smarts.

There were two types of negative resonses to my Absolute Post. Some said it is wrong to look at things totally pragmatically. Thus a probably futile boycott of AP should be done even if the games are juicy. The people who say that I do not worry about. Its a matter of opinion as far as I am concerned.

The other negative response suggested that my OP was welcomed by AP. It was even suggested that I was directly or indirectly paid for it. Those who think I might be on the take, I also don't worry about. It is logical to think I might have that in me. But if they think I might be on the take in this particular case, I do worry about them. Because it implies they think that AP on the whole likes my post. In other words that they would have prefferred that I posted it rather than posting nothing at all. There were in fact many posters who thought that, even if they didn't question my motives.

There is something wrong with anyone who could think that. I am not trying to be mean. I am trying to get you to realize that you are not thinking straight. As far as I'm concerned having such an opinion tells me you have something like Asperger's syndrome and you should be aware of it. I think anybody who believes AP liked my post is not a good poker hand reader.

Let me spell it out. My post basically said that even if AP totally cleaned house, the remaining management is marked as totally incompetant, at least as far as analyzing poker hands is concerned, or dishonest enough to try to cover up other's wrongdoing. I also said that colluders will continue to have a field day there until they install collusion detection.

Yet some of you think that my remark that you should "go for it" if you think its profitable (while remaining extra vigilant), since a boycott would be unsuccessful, MORE THAN MADE UP for the other words, in the mind of AP's management.
If you are one of those people there is something inside your head you need to fix.

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