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Old 11-14-2007, 04:28 PM
suzzer99 suzzer99 is offline
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Default Re: FutureDoc, Look inside.....[CENSORED] THREAD! [CENSORED] THREAD!

We had a keg party at the end of our dorm hall and didn't get caught. It was a bitch getting that thing up 5 flights of stairs.

Also we liked to drop heavy/loud objects down the stairwell and elevator shaft. We had a stairwell dropping club - complete with president, vice president and sergeant at arms. We also lit things on fire that filled the stairwell with toxic smoke, Old Spice deodorant was really cool for this. And we also drove golf balls into the stairwell.

Let's see what else my 2 years in the dorms? We had a grain-alcohol drinking contest. A Mickey's Big Mouth contest (the farts the next day were almost lethal). A shot of beer a minute contest. I stole a pizza truck one time. Got busted trying to steal cat food one time from the kum & go. 3 [censored] years later, same dude still wouldn't let me in the store. Such a PITA.

Stole more things from frat parties than I can count, including a few empty kegs. Never got the holy grail though - a full keg. Got busted trying a couple times. Not sure why we weren't killed. We only tried it with the pussy frats.

Probably the most fun thing was sticking our roommate in the elevator on his mattress when he was passed out drunk or stoned. He used to wake up, look at all of us, then slowly lay his head back down. We'd write anti-drug slogans on him, and leave him in the lobby. We were merciless.

I experienced a lot those 2 years. Pretty much anything crazy you could do that didn't involve women or getting laid, we were all over.